
The pioneers of De La Salle Canlubang have been in the institution for the past 10 years. they saw how the school evolved and how it will evolved. These are the people helped to mold this school to its image now.

Interview with Sir Percy
     Sir Percival Coguimval is the present disciplinarian of De La Salle Canlubang. He was the former Head of the Security Guards here in DLSC.

      As we interviewed him, we asked him some questions about his position as the head before.

       He told us his experiences in his 10 years of service in this school and describe the differences of the school from before until today.

Conversation with Sir. Percy

Chey: What was the most serious case you have handled before?

Sir. Percy: It was when a mother sent an email to the dean that her child was offered a drug by one of the students in this school before. The case was passed to us and command us to observe the suspect. He was caught in act and in the next days he was gone without notice.

Marwen: How about the most rampant violation that the students do today?

Sir. Percy: Starting when the Dress Code Policy was implemented especially during Corporate Attire Day.

Interview with Ms. Jenny
        Ms. Jenny has started her 9 years of service in this institution. She was one of the secretaries in accounting office before she was assigned as room checker today.

         She has a positive and friendly attitude that's why the students and the faculty members are very close to her.

Conversation with Ms. Jenny

Marwen: What is the change that you've notice ever since this institution was built?

Ms. Jenny: During the first to third years of this school, there were only 200 students all in all. but now, the number of students are really increasing and it's actually great. Before, the students were really close to each other because of their few number. The only building that DLSC has was the LC2 building. Now, the LC1 is already functioning for the pre-schoolers.

Chey: What can you say about the integration?

Ms. Jenny: Actually, before building this school, the integration was already planned by the pioneers since De La Salle Manila is the owner of the land,  it was just only this year (2013) that it will finally happen. We expecting more students that will occupy the 3rd and 4th floor of the building.

Interview with Sir. Michael
Sir Michael is in charge of Property and Facilities of Campus Service. It is already his 9th year of service this year. He talks about their Office of Campus Administration before it was divided into two offices: Campus Service and Campus Development.

Conversation with Sir Michael:

Chey: What is the job of this office (Campus Service)?

Sir Michael: We are handling the housekeepers, guards, and concessionaires. As long as all services about school is concerned.

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