Sunday 14 April 2013

De La Salle Canlubang

De La Salle Canlubang (DLSC) is a member-institution of De La Salle Phlippines, and the world-wide system of Catholic institutions inspired by the charism of its founder, St. John Baptist de la Salle. DLSC is the first campus in the country to incorporate a science-oriented curriculum throughout all levels of its academic programs.

This institution wants lasallian students to develop their Lasallian Spirit, the Religio, Mores, Cultura.The Spirit of faith is the De La Salle first formulated original rule that shows faithful membership of the community. The Spirit of Zeal that gives instruction to the children for bringing them up in the fear of God and to learn how to touch hearts to others. The Spirit of Community wants to reognize the "launched a movement" in the community and associated themselves in the companion of solidarity.